Over nearly two decades of coaching, advocating and overcoming institutional challenges, we have grown through the wisdom of our mentors and community. Now, we publish these resources so that you can access them for your team.

Read on to explore the archives of our Ideas to Action Letters, catalogued and labeled by main subject and important themes.



035 Breaking/Beginning/Faith

There's nothing like moving through public scrutiny, racist attacks, and difficult electoral loses to slap one (me) into questioning who you are and who you want to be. This summer I wrote about my...

034 Icebergs

I'm using this summer to see what I can find through relaxation: relaxing my jaw, relaxing my schedule, relaxing my expectations of each day. Relaxing is harder than it looks for this Virgo...

033 On Feedback

When Alicia Garza said that to survive in Maine we must take up our space and be our authentic selves my heart skipped a beat, and I let out a breath I had been holding for about 6 weeks. This month I...

032 Integrity

I noticed an odd, disturbing pattern last month. After years of attending and offering racial justice and equity learning experiences, I realized that I rarely initiated or participated in direct...

031 Lewiston

I’ve been thinking quite a bit about neighbors lately. No, not my literal neighbors, although I am quite blessed with some great ones. I’ve been reflecting on what it means to be a neighbor in...

030 Doing the Do Pt. 3 - Experiments In Building The World A

Lately, I have been sitting in rooms with creative people pondering one of the toughest questions I meet in my work: What do we need to do today to survive in the world as it is, while...

029 Doing the Do Pt. 2 - Equity Is Transformation

Let's start with an equation: Not all transformation projects are equity projects. All projects focused on equity are transformation projects. How many times have you seen an organization, or group...

028 Doing the Do Pt. 1 - Supporting Transformative Leaders

The universe sends me gifts in the form of a question I often get asked in this line of work: "Who are you to be an expert?" The question is an opportunity to claim a piece of my self...

027 Energy

How do you and I need to shift the dynamics of our energy to sustain the work ahead? Ever since I launched Up With Community, I've enjoyed closing a year by choosing a focus word for the year ahead...