038 A person walks into a bar + says: I don’t need to understand equity to achieve my org’s mission

“We’ve done our work for 15 years without a focus on racial equity and had success. So why should we make this core to our work now?” This was the primary question put...

038 A person walks into a bar + says: I don’t need to understand equity to achieve my org’s mission2020-06-01T13:40:57-04:00

030 Doing the Do Pt. 3 – Experiments In Building The World As It Should Be

Lately, I have been sitting in rooms with creative people pondering one of the toughest questions I meet in my work: What do we need to do today to survive in the world as it is, while...

030 Doing the Do Pt. 3 – Experiments In Building The World As It Should Be2020-06-01T13:50:43-04:00