Up With Community is being built through multi-year relationships with partners locally and across the country. 

We’d like to acknowledge the power and love of everyone who helps us strengthen this practice. Here,  we thank:

– Ben, Anjali, Rajan
– Carol Wishcamper, Cathy Kidman, Erik Peterson, Craig White, and Sage Hayes
– Elif Demircan and Max Mogensen at Fabric Portland
– Sue Pollock, Ashley Mills, Leah Hurley and Chelsea Canedy
Meghan Lambert and Sam Ho
Gita Gulati-Partee; Robert Gass and the Rockwood Leadership Institute Team; George Goehl, Son Ah Yun, Rich Stolz, DuShaw Hockett and the Community Change/ FIRM teams; Dr. Barbara Love PhD; Damien Azali-Rojas, Sarah Jawaid, Gaye Theresa Johnson, Alison Lin, and the Coaching for Healing, Justice and Liberation Team.
– Our Lewiston, Maine community – our heart’s home

And, to all our coach partners – past, present and future: we are grateful to be learning through weaving together.

We seed the learning of Up With Community through sister projects and partnerships. Both open up pathways for creative exploration, experimentation, mutual aid and solidarity with organizations deeply interested in collective liberation.

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