Funder community
Funders, Your Grant Application Process May Be Perpetuating Inequity
Realize how the zeitgeist of philanthropy has started shifting more and more toward equity, diversity, and inclusion, though the processes have not necessarily shifted simultaneously.
Nonprofit AF
CCF (Community-Centric Fundraising)
Explore how to ground your organization's fundraising in values of equity and social justice.
CCF (Community-Centric Fundraising)
State of the Work: Tackling the Tough Challenges to Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (4th Annual Report)
Page 25 of this report reviews six general types of actions and tools that support diversity, equity, and inclusion.
D5 Coalition
Tools & Resources
Communication Tools
Effectively communicate the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion to your colleagues and peers.
D5 Coalition
Tools & Resources
Resource Database
Explore practical tools and resources developed to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in philanthropy.
D5 Coalition
Tools & Resources
DEI Self-Assessment
Identify areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion work that your foundation is already engaged in and opportunities for growth.
D5 Coalition
Policies, Practices, and Programs for Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Review the most effective policies, practices, and programs to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion.
D5 Coalition
Grantmaking with a Racial Equity Lens
Explore how a racial equity lens can help you scan your field or community, cultivate new leaders, encourage creative approaches, get people talking, and nourish change inside your own foundation.
How Grantmaking Can Create Adaptive Organizations
Discover an approach where philanthropists create collaborative relationships with grantees to cultivate critical thinking, learning, and adaptation, rather than giving grants in return for prescribed programs and outcomes.
Stanform Social Innovation Review (SSIR)
Smashing Silos in Philanthropy: Multi-Issue Advocacy and Organizing for Real Results
Encourage foundations to not only fund advocacy and organizing in their chosen fields of endeavor but also nurture the ecosystem of the grassroots.
National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP)
Sometimes the best thing we donors can do to advance social justice is to just write the check and get out of the way
A cheeky take on the role that should be played by donors and foundations in their relationship with nonprofit organizations.
Nonprofit AF
Let's Make Fundraising Less Racist! - Community-Centric Fundraising 2020 Launch
Learn how to ground your fundraising in race, equity and social justice to move it toward a community-centric one.
Community-Centric Fundraising
Giving thanks: We share these resources in gratitude to all of our teachers and with appreciation for the value they have brought us. The field guide is a living resource that we are consistently adding to. We receive no payment or kickbacks for sharing. Access and use of these resources should be done at one’s own discretion. If you see a resource you like, we encourage you to reach out to the author.
Have a resource to add? We are always looking to expand the resources we can share. If you have a tool/resource/link you would like to share with UWC and its partners, please email us:
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