Healing-centered work

Assertiveness Workbook How To Express Your Ideas & Stand Up for Yourself at Work & in Relationships

Explore how to start and run your own private therapy practice. Learn how to set and maintain personal boundaries without becoming inaccessible. Become more genuine and open in relationships without fearing attack. Defend yourself when you are criticized or asked to submit to unreasonable requests.

Randy J Paterson

Brass Tacks: On Organizational Trauma

Arabella Perez speaks with us about organizational trauma and how best to help teams and organizations move towards healing.

Up With Community

Resources with Norma Wong

Norma Wong, an instructor with the Institute of Zen Studies, applies Zen principles in an experiential and secular practice to support individual, organizational and societal change. Her training and application could equally help with your own personal or organizational growth.

Move to End Violence


Bessel van der Kolk — How Trauma Lodges in the Body from the On Being podcast with Krista Tippett

Psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk is an innovator in treating the effects of overwhelming experiences. We call this “trauma” when we encounter it in life and news, and we tend to leap to address it by talking. But Bessel van der Kolk knows how some experiences imprint themselves beyond where language can reach. He explores state-of-the-art therapeutic treatments — including body work like yoga and eye movement therapy — and shares what he and others are learning on this edge of humanity about the complexity of memory, our need for others, and how our brains take care of our bodies.

On Being with Krista Tippett

Guide to Completing the Agency Self-Assessment

The Agency Self-Assessment for Trauma-Informed Care is intended to be a tool that will help you assess your organization’s readiness to implement a trauma-informed approach.

The Trauma Informed Care Project

Family-Care, Community-Care and Self-Care Tool Kit: Healing in the Face of Cultural Trauma

This toolkit, put together by the Association of Black Psychologists and Community Healing Network–developed by and for people of African ancestry–is meant to comfort and inspire in difficult times. It provides resources to help us take care of ourselves and each other, and strengthen our sense of community for the journey ahead.

The Association of Black Psychologists

Trauma Transformed Tools

This is a set of tools developed by the organization Trauma Transformed, specifically designed for organizations to assess whether their programs and actions follow trauma-informed principles and, if not, to guide them toward more trauma-informed policies.

Trauma Transformed

Breaking Isolation: Self Care and Community Care Tools for our People

This is a personal wellness plan, as well as a set of additional resources, presented by The Audre Lorde Project, to help name the trauma and needs felt by members of the LGBTSTGNC POC community, and to inspire love and resilience to meet those needs.

The Audre Lorde Project

RYSE Center

RYSE creates safe spaces grounded in social justice for young people to love, learn, educate, heal, and transform lives and communities. Check out their website for resources and info about youth programming, antiracism and more.

RYSE Center


Restoring Sanctuary: A New Operating System for Trauma-Informed Systems of Care

This is the third book in a trilogy by Dr. Sandra Bloom which explores the effect of trauma on human service organizations and explains how organizations can become trauma informed by using a therapeutic approach called the Sanctuary model.

Dr. Sandra L. Bloom & B. Farragher

My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies

In this groundbreaking book, therapist Resmaa Menakem examines the damage caused by racism in America from the perspective of trauma and body-centered psychology.

Resmaa Menakem

Dr. Gail C. Christopher

Check out the website of Dr. Gail C. Christopher, a leader on health, wellness, and racial healing. Her comprehensive site may help you discover those requisite elements for personal growth and well-being.

Dr. Gail C. Christopher


Move to End Violence

This online community is building a platform to end violence. Their extensive online resources offer tools, practices, and strategies that could help us collectively achieve the social change we seek.

Move to End Violence


The healing power of reading

“Reading also changed our relationship with each other. It gave us an occasion for intimacy, to see beyond our points of view… When you meet somebody as a reader, you meet him for the first time, newly, freshly.” Michelle Kuo’s engaging TED Talk looks at reading and writing as invaluable ways to engage with others and discover more about ourselves.

TED Talk

What if gentrification was about healing communities instead of displacing them?

An architect who spent years planning in and revitalizing the Bayview Hunters Point neighborhood of San Francisco, Liz Ogbu discusses “spatial justice,” and the importance of understanding that justice has a geography. Ogbu argues that this understanding is the jumping-off point for viewing the equitable distribution of resources and services as a basic human right.

TED Talk

How we can start to heal the pain of racial division

“We believe[d] that everyone, both black and white, people in the South, could find a redemptive pathway out of the stranglehold of racism that had gripped them for more than 400 years.” This powerful, first-hand account of activism and struggle within the American Civil Rights Movement looks at how we can move on from a long history of division and adversity.

TED Talk

Growth After Trauma

Richard G. Tedeschi tells us about how to make sure that we derive something positive from struggle.

Harvard Business Review

Free Racialized Trauma Course

This course is designed to help identify, acknowledge and heal from racialized trauma, defined as mental and emotional injury caused by encounters with racial bias and ethnic discrimination.

Cultural Somatics Institute

Making the Body a Home

Wellness offerings that empower people to unlearn racial conditioning and unpack racial trauma.

Making the Body a Home


BEAM (Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective)

BEAM is a national training, movement building and grant making organization dedicated to the healing, wellness and liberation of Black and marginalized communities.

BEAM (Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective)


Melanin & Mental Health

Melanin & Mental Health connects individuals with culturally competent clinicians committed to serving the mental health needs of Black & Latinx/Hispanic communities.

Melanin & Mental Health



Giving thanks: We share these resources with gratitude to all of our teachers and with appreciation for the value they have brought us.

The field guide is a living resource that we are consistently adding to. We receive no payment or kickbacks from contributors for sharing. Access and use of these resources should be done at one’s own discretion.

If you see a resource you like, we strongly encourage you to reach out to the author and support their work in the world through contributions, donations or by hiring them. One goal of this guide is to expand the circle of connections for powerful justice and equity work in the world.
Coming soon: A searchable list of contributors to make it easier to support members of the Field Guide.

Have a resource to add? We continue to expand the resources we can share. If you have a tool, resource or link you would like to share through the Field Guide, please email us: research@upwithcommunity.org.

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