Board development
Decolonize Your Board
This article offers nine strategies to liberate board culture and provides a tool that boards may use to reflect on their own behavior and strengthen their culture.
Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR)
Nonprofit Roles & Responsibilities
Better understand when roles and responsibilities of executive directors and board chairs are separate and/or shared.
Joan Garry Consulting
Beyond Political Correctness: Building a Diverse Board
Discover three strategies that may help board members better embrace diversity and create more inclusive environments.
Recruiting a Stronger Board: A BoardSource Toolkit
Diversity in Nonprofit Board Governance
Explore the importance of diversity in nonprofit board governance, as well as a research paper on the role that racial diversity plays in nonprofit governance.
The Foundation for Enhancing Communities
If Your Board Looked Like Your Community
In this article, staff and board members weigh in on common hurdles related to board diversity and how to overcome them.
Josephine Ramirez
A Fresh Look at Diversity and Boards
Engage your board to develop their thinking and planning around board diversity.
Blue Avocado
Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity
Access curated resources that illustrate effective thinking and practical advice for boards on the topics of diversity, inclusion, and equity.
Giving thanks: We share these resources with gratitude to all of our teachers and with appreciation for the value they have brought us.
The field guide is a living resource that we are consistently adding to. We receive no payment or kickbacks from contributors for sharing. Access and use of these resources should be done at one’s own discretion.
If you see a resource you like, we strongly encourage you to reach out to the author and support their work in the world through contributions, donations or by hiring them. One goal of this guide is to expand the circle of connections for powerful justice and equity work in the world.
Coming soon: A searchable list of contributors to make it easier to support members of the Field Guide.
Have a resource to add? We continue to expand the resources we can share. If you have a tool, resource or link you would like to share through the Field Guide, please email us:
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