
Typically, culture is best approached through other concepts in this field guide. We appreciated these reflections on facing culture head on.

Tools & Resources

Social Transformation Project (STP) Tools & Resources

All modules and tools listed on this website will help you set a useful purpose. Pay particular attention to the POP model.

Social Transformation Project

Wheel of Change Executive Overview

This report describes The Master Key - Wheel of Change, as a model for transforming organizations.

Social Transformation Project

The Master Key - Wheel of Change

Use this model to address and facilitate organizational transformation. Several other resources in this folder may also be used to support this work.

Social Transformation Project

Wheel of Change Planning Template

In correspondence with the The Master Key - Wheel of Change, this template contains questions to consider in planning organizational change.

Social Transformation Project

Assessment for Organizational Transformation

Use this guide to build an assessment for organizational transformation.

Social Transformation Project

The Second Responders: How Restorative HR Makes Workplaces More Inclusive and Equitable - with Diana Marie Lee and Nell Derrick Debevoise

Explore what is restorative HR and why is it important right now for a deep culture shift.



Giving thanks: We share these resources with gratitude to all of our teachers and with appreciation for the value they have brought us.

The field guide is a living resource that we are consistently adding to. We receive no payment or kickbacks from contributors for sharing. Access and use of these resources should be done at one’s own discretion.

If you see a resource you like, we strongly encourage you to reach out to the author and support their work in the world through contributions, donations or by hiring them. One goal of this guide is to expand the circle of connections for powerful justice and equity work in the world.
Coming soon: A searchable list of contributors to make it easier to support members of the Field Guide.

Have a resource to add? We continue to expand the resources we can share. If you have a tool, resource or link you would like to share through the Field Guide, please email us:

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