“Reading also changed our relationship with each other. It gave us an occasion for intimacy, to see beyond our points of view… When you meet somebody as a reader, you meet him for the first time, newly, freshly.” Michelle Kuo’s engaging TED Talk looks at reading and writing as invaluable ways to engage with others and discover more about ourselves.
Giving thanks: We share these resources in gratitude to all of our teachers and with appreciation for the value they have brought us. The field guide is a living resource that we are consistently adding to. We receive no payment or kickbacks for sharing. Access and use of these resources should be done at one’s own discretion. If you see a resource you like, we encourage you to reach out to the author.
Have a resource to add? We are always looking to expand the resources we can share. If you have a tool/resource/link you would like to share with UWC and its partners, please email us: research@upwithcommunity.org.